This week, I have learned a lot more about market research and moving through the validation phase. Rebecca and Jonathan were great speakers on this topic, and I used their advice to formulate my pricing scheme and rollout plan through Beta for CoachSync.

I am excited to get started on coach interviews. I’ve only done one so far, coaches have been even less responsive than they were in Winter. I will be doing a lot of LinkedIn outreach in this next week. But overall, I feel in touch with my customer’s needs as I develop the Dashboard.

Oscar’s storytelling workshop was a highlight of the week. I enjoyed his lens he held perception and differentiation of people’s own stories, and how he used stories to relate these ideas to us. I am going to apply this to my venture by working hard to tell the story behind CoachSync, namely my story of how and why I came to work on the idea.

Here’s an image of the Dashboard UI I developed this weekend. Progress is progress:

CoachSync Dashboard

CoachSync Dashboard