I had an awesome time this quarter. I started into my new E4-E6 venture, CoachSync. I interviewed 19 (as of this writing) super interesting coaches and gained a ton of perspective on my target market. I’ve learned so much about applying the frameworks within this class, as well as about programming in React Native, managing Apache web servers, setting up a VPS, data encryption over the internet, digital contract signing stipulations, and more of the technological and legal sides of setting up a business like this.

I enjoyed our Zoom meetings this quarter as well, and found the guest speakers and topics engaging and meaningful. I mean hey, a guest speaker is what inspired this VP2! I look forward to next quarter, working on a VP1 with others again is actually exciting, as well as just progressing on my VP2. I’m going to be working nonstop during spring break on this, using the free time to make as much possible headway as I can on the mobile app. So far I’m nearing completion finishing the onboarding process for clients. I’m definitely excited to get started on the main stack soon.

Thanks to my quad for being so engaging this quarter, it’s been awesome reading your blog posts and watching as we all grew and reflected over the quarter. See you around!