CoachSync VP2
This venture project has been an amazing experience. As an E6, this is the first time I was able to design a potential business entirely around my passion, and then spend an entire three quarters developing it into a reality.
Click here to visit my project folder. I’ve done a lot so far this quarter, and I am excited to continue development into my senior year and beyond!
Mission Statement
Connect coaches to their clients through a simple yet powerful platform that enables a coach to do what they love: helping clients grow and prosper.
August 3, 2023 at 11:11 am
The SU21 Venture Project 2 (CoachSync) represents an exciting venture in the world of coaching and sports management. As the project evolves, considering Bitrefill reviews can provide valuable insights and user feedback, helping the team to make data-driven decisions, improve the platform, and expand its offerings. Utilizing Bitrefill reviews can contribute to the success and growth of CoachSync, ensuring a seamless experience for coaches and sports enthusiasts alike.