Traction Journal #3 – “Gettin’ in the swing of things”

This week has been pretty good! i’m getting worried that i’m falling back in to the loop of doing the same exact thing every day and I need to change that…. so I decided I think i’m going to quit my job! that should spice things up and throw something new into the mix! anyways this class has been a really good distraction from the monotony.

How’s traction going so far?

Tractions going great! I think… lol. I actually am really loving this idea of blogging, posting about my week and where I feel I am on things. it really is helping me to stay on top of how I’m feeling about things like the project and class.

What have you learned so far from Design Thinking and Creative Confidence?

Creative confidence is something that I really need to work on. so often I prevent myself from trying anything because “i’m not creative” and  “Im not artistic” but the truth is I am and I have all the tools at my hands to be successful in any creative endevour.

 How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

Learning how to do a POA has been very helpful. I love the idea of getting all of you plans laid out before going to work on them… it really helps your brain not get overwhelmed. in addition the time in class we had to brainstorm and work as a group was great!

3 thoughts on “Traction Journal #3 – “Gettin’ in the swing of things”

  1. nendele says:

    So, I did not expect to jump into your post with a comment about quitting your job, but honestly it sounds very valid. Especially now that it is spring and things are happening. (I have also been debating quitting my job.) All to say, good for you! I hope this gives you the change of pace that you are looking for.

    To get into the nitty gritty of the post tho, I really loved hearing about your struggles and successes of the week. Creative confidence is difficult and something a lot of people struggle with. But I have found that doing one thing each day, even if it is small, to let your creativity out is a great place to start. Creating a POA is one of the tools I use the most from this class. I am so glad that you are finding it helpful and stress relieving as well.

    Keep us informed of what your venture turns out to be and how we can help!

  2. claussb says:

    “so I decided I think i’m going to quit my job! that should spice things up” …LOVE IT!! Change is uncomfortable but worth embracing. Also glad to hear that you’re doing well in the class and benefiting from practices like this. What you talked about with creative confidence is super real, so many people think “I’m not creative” and then you’re trapped in that. So I’m SO glad to hear you overcoming that mindset, and hopefully realizing that creativity is a muscle – the more you practice & train it, the stronger it gets.

  3. sherwoz says:

    Hey Aidan!
    Woah! Where did/do you work and how do you think it will benefit you to remove that from your life? Will it just open up time?
    Oh, I think you are creative! The way you do card tricks is something that I perceive as a form of expression which in turn is a form of creativity! I’m not sure if this will help but I always think its helpful to put phrases out into the universe that are positive, like ” I am creative”, and then they help to reorient how you see things.

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