Traction Journal #6 – “I’m getting tired of coming up with titles”

What did you love this week?  

this week was great! I got to spend some time with my family over the weekend. and of course celebrate mothers day. in regards to E&I though I loved the workshops we had! they were super cool and taught me a lot of stuff that I didn’t know I needed to know!

What resonated with you in workshops?

The workshops were great! I felt like some of them might not of been as applicable to my current venture. but I really liked the workshop on networking. I never realized how much work you need to put in to meeting people and maintaining a connection with them.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

Honestly, I feel like our venture project is at a standstill and were not making much progress, maybe its just that out first VP was so quick, but something just feels a bit off. I know that doesn’t wander the question, but i’m having a hard time applying our learning to the VP when i’m a little lost in it.

Sorry this weeks responses aren’t to long, although Ive had a good week ive also been slammed with homework and its taken its toll.


3 thoughts on “Traction Journal #6 – “I’m getting tired of coming up with titles”

  1. Zosia+Sherwood says:

    Hey Aidan!
    hahaha I totally get what you mean that you cant think of any more titles. Thanks for the laugh! Anyway, networking is a huge thing to learn and really fun. I think its one of the bigger lessons of what I learned from my event. Honestly, it teaches you how to have positive relationships that last. Good luck with the rest of the quarter!


  2. nendele says:

    Yeah homework can creep up on you like that, especially change leadership. It is great to hear that you got to recharge and spend time with people you care about though! I believe that there are times when a venture comes to a stand still as you look at where you need to go and reorient yourself to the goals of the project. Maybe sit down and think about the outcome you wanted or what made this venture come to life in the first place. And if worse comes to worse perhaps it is time for a pivot. I believe you and your group will go on to create incredible things though! Keep believing in the process!

  3. Bryan Claussen says:

    Hey Aidan,

    It sounds like you had a pretty grueling week here, but I’m so glad that you got to spend some time over that Mothers Day Weekend with your family and your baby brother. Moments with family are precious, and I know that for myself, my appreciation for these moments has grown a lot more now that I don’t live with my family all of the time haha. But truly, appreciate the people you have while you have them. Hope that’s not too morbid, but to me the truth simply is that everything is temporary which is why it is important to appreciate the here and now. ” To stop and smell the roses”

    I’m sorry to hear that your venture is not progressing smoothly. Here’s what I do in my life. Learn from it. Learn what to look out for in a team. Identify what doesn’t work and you don’t want from individuals in your life.

    A venture is only as good as its team, and the same goes for companies. A company IS its people. A lot of times we can learn more from things going wrong then things going right, I think you’d agree with me on that. So, stop and smell the roses when it comes to your venture. Figure out not just what went wrong, but if possible the root causes of why. It’s very very helpful to know what you don’t want to be. And what you don’t want the people around you in your life to be.

    You are only as good as your environment, just keep doing what you can and try not to get discouraged by shitty factors in your environment. And most importantly, learn.

    Hope this doesn’t come off as me telling you what to do because truly, only you can tell yourself what to do. I’m just sharing my personal mindsets and the things I have learned in my own being.


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