Traction Journal #9 – “HAPPY THANKSGIVING!”

What did you see that you loved at pitches this week?

I loved seeing the E1s pitch! they all did so good! and they all had super in-depth prototypes! so glad we aren’t online any more and don’t have to just stick to apps 🙂

I also thought it was cool to see johns process and pivot, it really showed me that things change and you can switch it up if you need to!

What went well this quarter?

I think a lot went well! starting off with my engagement, I feel like this quarter I was much ore a part of the team and a part of the project. also I feel much more confident in how the class works and all that kinda stuff. and finally my group did a ton of teaming so I’m super excited to continue to grow with this group of people!

One thought on “Traction Journal #9 – “HAPPY THANKSGIVING!”

  1. Abigayle Peterson says:

    HI Aidan,

    I’m really happy that you grew in your confidence! That is admirable. I also wish I was able to come to your VP2 project’s event, but I supported from afar.

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