Traction Journal #2 – “BLASTOFF!”

Oh boyyyyy we doin it boys

this week is HAPPENING! I truly haven’t had this jam packed of a schedule and I think its starting to make me go a little crazy. usually im very conscious about giving myself time to chill when I don’t have to think about school, but this week has been a lot and I haven’t been able to give myself that time and space. I know after VP1 ill have a lot more time so I’m just holding out for that but yeah week 2 be wildn’

Hows it goin?

with the team, things are going pretty good. we had a solid zoom the other day where we really nailed down what we wanted to do and started on prototyping! I genuinely am feeling better about vp1 after that one zoom so hopefully everybody get their stuff done!

ideally we would bee meeting more but I really feel like this first week is shorter than any other week.

As far as evidence based E&I goes I have been doing my best to drill in the importance of evidence and just how helpful it is. I have also tried to explain the canvases as best as I could to everybody. and just like VP1 last quarter I feel like every time I explain a canvas I gain a better understanding of it.

I will say my leadership this week could have been better. during our zooms I started feeling very overwhelmed and stressed and just didnt really know how to handle that, which made for an awkward zoom 😂. but we go thru it haha

finally I want to share some BIG news…

I have officially signed up for a month long mentorship program with Franco Pascalli. one of my biggest inspiration as a young magician, and still to this day.

im going to link a video about him, this oneof the first videos I saw of him that made me fall in love

Franco Pascali




3 thoughts on “Traction Journal #2 – “BLASTOFF!”

  1. eyrej2 says:

    I completely agree that last week was very stressful and busy. As an E1 I think it will take some practice to get used to the crazy schedule. I’ve noticed every other E level stressing the importance of evidence-based entrepreneurship, so I think you guys are doing great nailing that in. Okay first of all congrats on the mentorship program. Secondly, that might be one of the coolest videos I’ve ever seen. How does he move the cards like that? That was awesome. Im shocked.

    Have a good week,

  2. Katherine Potts says:

    Yooo Aidan! Crazy jam packed schedules can be A LOT! Please take some time for you this next week! With your team I am sure you did great. Being the upper E-level can be a lot, but as long as you are teaching and sharing and doing things it will all work out. Also that is SO COOL about your internship . SO PROUD OF YOU AIDAN ADAMS!

  3. rajsbao says:

    Hey Aidan! im sorry to hear you are going a little crazy with some many things to do, its definitly hard some times to be dealing with so much. Remember to do some magic card tricks whenever you are feeling overwhelmed 😉

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