Traction journal #3 – “Great Success!”

VP1 is all wrapped up!

  • How did it go?
    • With your team
      • Teaming was great this project! the E1s are super cool and I felt like I got to expand my group of people I have talked to in this class! looking forward to working with them in the future!
    • With the evidence-based entrepreneurship skills
      • This project was cool because we went entirely based off a customer interview we had. and then saw many other interviews brought up the same ideas. I think we did a good job expressing the evidence and showing how we came to that conclusion
    • With discovering a new accessibility opportunity?
      • it was cool to see this accessibility opportunity because we started with customer who are hard of hearing and then moved directly into customers with language barriers. which was an accessibility factor I had never even thought of.

What have you learned about yourself?

Having the checklist is awesome! I really think that its helpful to take the rubric and put it into a form that you feel will fit you.

From this learning, what will you carry forward into Venture Project Two?

I think VP2 this quarter will definitely go better if I make myself a solid POA and stick to it!

Why is this important to you?

giving myself the layout for a quarter will help me a bunch and I need to get better at setting dates for goals.


As for me this week?

I did magic at the market again and it was wildly successful once more, had a kid come up to me and tell me I “was everything (He) wants to be when he grows up” which was pretty funny but also eye opening to the fact that im not just doing magic I am inspiring people and people will remember their experience with me. been a busy week tho looking forward to having sometime to breathe.

2 thoughts on “Traction journal #3 – “Great Success!”

  1. eyrej2 says:

    In the accessibility realm of things, there really are a lot of options that you never even thought of huh? That’s what I was thinking. Like after this project I was shocked to see how many opportunities I saw all around me. I guess that’s what this class does huh! I agree with you on the checklist. One of my teammates made a checklist for us and it was super helpful to clearly see everything we had to do. Also, that must have felt awesome when the little kid said that to you. It always feels good to have people look up to you, especially when you were like them at one point in your life.

    Have a good rest of the week,


  2. Katherine Potts says:

    Yoooo Aidan! Aidan Adams! I love how you are inspiring young people. These kids look up to you dude!! So proud of you and all that you are doing!

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