Traction Journal #9 – “PITCH!”

  1. How was the pitching experience for you this week?
    1. uhhhh honestly the pitch was a bit disappointing… I felt bad that the coaches weren’t able to see the pitch and not really understand and see the work I put in visually … You know how I am about making my slide decks look nice 🙂 but all in all I think that I had a pretty solid pitch!
  2. What resonated with you from pitch day?
    1. I think that the e1s had SUCH AWESOME pitches I am so excited to see what else they have this next quarter!
  3. What did you think of the E&I event this week? Were you able to network and connect with others at the event? Why or why not?
    1. The E&I event was AWESOME!!! I had so much fun getting to share magic with everyone! additionally it was nice to see the coaches in person for the first time aswell. I think I wasn’t able to network as much as I wanted to but thats okay because I was doin my thang!
  4. How are you feeling coming near the end of VP2? What are there areas that you are in need of support?
    1. I feel okay, im kinda ready to just wrap this up and summer to be in session. but woot woot one more week!

One thought on “Traction Journal #9 – “PITCH!”

  1. hooperm says:

    Hey Aidan, your pitch went great none of the less. You got your ideas and venture across of you should feel proud. Sadly this is also a fair well comment as I will not be continuing the program next quarter. It was great “Jam” ming with you and Karl and I hope to see you soon!

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