Hey quad!
This week has been interesting! we did out ugly but tasties and mine did not go as-well as I was hoping, I ended top not having enough time to convey everything in the BIC that I wanted. But hey, now I have a much better idea of what to do next time! I successfully quit my job at Five Guys and my last day is this Thursday, I am stoked. I Think that giving my self a more flexible schedule will really allow me to devote the energy to this class. (especially when I was closing every night and getting out at 12:00!)
Change leadership snuck up on me! even though everybody said don’t let it happen I did 🙁 I’m excited to take a crack at it but I just didn’t even know I was supposed to be working on it until this week. On the bright side I’m meeting Jacob Coon (E2) today to work on his change leadership and chat about cars. we met during the peer review process and so far this is the first interaction I’ve had with anybody I don’t know since moving to Bellingham in September.
As far as our projects go, im a little upset? with my group… not quite sure how I feel I just am getting talked over more than im used to… im wondering if anybody has any good team building ideas or maybe just a good way to get your voice heard in a crowd that might not wanna listen?
anyways, I think that’s all I got for y’all this week? ive also been struggling with not seeing my 3 month old brother and now that I have my second Vaccine dose I should be able to start seeing him soon! (thanks zosia for warning me of the side effects on your last post)
Hey Aidan,
I am so sorry to hear that you’re feeling talked over. There are some amazing ways to conquer this, but the biggest piece of advice I have for you is to send a message in your chat asking for time to sit down and hold a discussion around this. You could also ask for a mediator to come in a run through some exercises (such as an upper E-level or fellow). There are tons of people looking to help you thrive.
As far as Change Leadership goes, I am so glad that you got to connect with Jacob. He is an awesome dude. If you need any help or examples for your change leadership project, reach out and ask me or Zosia! We are here to help as well as any of the other upper e-levels.
Lastly, I am so glad that you are giving yourself more time and space to place your energy towards the things you care about. I hope you get to see your brother soon!
Hey Aidan!
Of course, I’m glad my warning helped. Also, this baby is so cute!! I wish I could meet him. <3
So you are getting talked over… that's never a good feeling. I wonder if you could identify what moments you get talked over, who generally interrupts you, and what emotion that makes you feel exactly. Then, you could choose to present the issue to your team using this conflict resolution formula that I learned in psychology. The emotion you are feeling, why you feel that way, and what you want out of bringing it up in the first place. I hope this helps.