Traction Journal #9 – “Wrappin’ up E1!”

How did your pitch go?

All in all, I feel like our pitch went great! I the response we got from the coaches was only that it felt like we were doing to much script reading, but they said a lot of other good stuff! and that’s something I can focus more on next time would be less reading a script and memorizing what I want to say!

What do you need to do from now until VP2 is due?

all we gotta do is finish up our LJV and Biz Report and we are good to go. and honestly I think we are done with both of those which feels great!

What feedback did you receive?

We were told that we had found a really great market and that our opportunity there was really good! and of course as I mentioned earlier the script reading part.

3 thoughts on “Traction Journal #9 – “Wrappin’ up E1!”

  1. Bryan Claussen says:

    Aidan, congrats on being over the hump! You all have done some great work and should be proud, but make sure to finish strong! With myself, I have noticed a tendency once the pitch is over to feel like the project is over, but the final week very well may be the most important part. The part after the pitch is when you finally pull the project together into a succinct and beautiful business report. This is also where you reflect on the journey with the LJV, and therefore learn from everything which has happened. I notice myself doing these things because I want to get them over and done, but I would urge you to resist this temptation and enjoy the process of these final parts. Appreciate your teammates and most importantly love yourself. Best wishes! -Bryan

  2. Zosia+Sherwood says:

    Hey Aidan,
    Sometimes its really hard to not read from notes when you’re doing a pitch. If you practice on your own or even just have the material known by heart, people will be more motivated to listen. I think it also makes people more motivated to be a part of what you’re building. This quarter I learned a lot about putting in your heart – when you do that people want to follow you. Its amazing. Good luck on the Biz report and the LJV!

    Loved chatting this quarter,
    Zosia Sherwood

  3. nendele says:

    This is awesome. I am so glad that you felt good after Pitch. It can be one rough ride the first time. But y’all did great! Keep up your incredible work for the last little bit of the quarter! You got this in the bag! And yeah, script reading is pretty common at first, so you’ll grow from this and become an incredible pitcher! Thanks for being a part of our Quad this quarter. It was a lot of fun reading your posts each week.
    P.S. If you ever need any help next year, feel free to reach out! I am always looking to keep connection and learn more about other Entrepreneurs!

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