First off I wanna say thank you too everybody in my quad! you guys were so helpful and it was always a blast to see what y’all were up too! Healani and Zosia best wishes on what ever is next in your life and Bryan i’m excited to see what you work on next quarter!
How did this quarter go for you?
This quarter went really interesting for me, in all of my academic career this is the best i’ve been doing in school, and the most engaged I have felt in a college course. Honestly I think having the online first quarter was a blast, this course really felt like a class.
What did you love?
I think that VP1 was super cool! (I can’t wait for the next VP1 now that I actually know what I am doing) and I loved how much it taught me by doing.
What do you wish would have gone differently?
hmmm… this is a tough question to answer because Its cliche but everything happens for a reason. but I guess in a perfect world I would been more engaged in my VP1 this quarter but I really think that’s hard due to just being new
Hey Aidan,
Thank you for the wishes! I appreciate you and all the hard work you put in. You have a good mindset about next quarter. I know I’ll sound like an old lady when I say this. I remember when I was earlier in the minor, I would think I knew what I was doing. Then you grow and you learn that you never know what you’re doing. This class teaches you how to master the chaos of the unknown and build something. Thats what I think anyway.
Aiden, you have been the coolest person to connect with. I am so excited I got to see a small portion of your journey into the minor. You are going to do amazing things. Thank you for being on time with your posts, connecting with me and sharing your challenges and goals. Your honesty and connection have made this quad one of the best I have had. You are going to ROCK your VP1 next quarter I just know it. You have learned so much and been able to grow, and that is so cool. Use that knowledge and help other E1s going forward. There’s nothing as easy or hard as being yourself, but you do it well. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the world.