BPM Tech: Episode 6.5 (in Spokane from WSHEC 2016)

BPM Ep 6.5BPM records live on location at the Davenport Grand hotel on the east-side of the state of Washington at the 2016 Building Bridges educational technology conference.

Chris and I both present at this conference that brought in 373 attendees from 62 different institutions of higher education.

*Conference Tech bingo: What we see on or with attendees at the conference
*iOS 9 multitasking might actually be handy?
*Wifi at conferences
*E-Textbooks, Digital downloads, and yet we still have real book in the classroom. And, students still pay out the nose for them? Are we going to se the iTunes-ifcation or Netflix-afy of textbooks?
*Brand affinity observations
*Demonstration of knowledge: education to work-life- can tech in education help? Is there a change?
*Game theory and research from gamers actually helping education?
*OpenAccess Testing via Europe?


Via http://www.bellinghampodcast.com/blogs/post/BPM-Tech-Episode-6-5-SPOKANE/