Tune Up; update to AV Tactics

As the Covid 19 pandemic progresses, I’ve been tweaking more and more of my home instructional ‘studio’ setup; and with it recommendations for others to try out.

The original “AV Tactics” series I produced at the beginning of the Covid crisis was made in the moment where really we had to use what we had on hand. Now as we continue on in the ‘new normal’ I thought it might be helpful to look back at that and add a few extra recommendations on equipment or equipment setup in your home.

Updated gear mentioned in this video

  • HDMI to USB (cheap edition) adapter-  link
  • The Ferrari of all HDMI to USB adapters (El Gato CamLink 4k) – link
  • HDMI Camera cable (cameras usually have a mini-hdmi or micro-hdmi plug; these are two different shapes of ports) – link
  • Rode SmartLav+ microphone – link

Other less-geeky equipment referenced

  • A diffuser (link) or cloth (for example) for the lamp you might use
  • Desk lamp + LIFX bulb (link)
  • Mirrorless/DSLR/Point and shoot camera with a HDMI port
  • A toddler pirate ship….not needed for lecture capture but handy as a makeshift standup desk.