We cordially invite you to submit a paper or poster presentation abstract for the 2022 APCG Meeting! Both virtual and in-person presentation options will be available. The APCG meeting is a friendly and supportive venue to share your research and we especially encourage graduate and undergraduate students to present.
Abstracts will be due by September 16th. You must register for the meeting before submitting an abstract.
Presentation types
- Paper sessions will meet in person and will also be streamed live on Zoom. We plan to incorporate a mix of in-person and virtual presentations in many sessions. Presentations will be 15 minutes long, including Q&A time. Paper abstracts will be organized thematically into concurrent sessions on Friday, October 7th and Saturday, October 8th.
- Poster sessions will be on October 8th. There will be both an in-person poster session and a virtual poster gallery. In-person poster presenters are welcome to also display their poster in the the virtual gallery. Digital posters can include a link to a 3-5 minute video abstract if desired. Interactive digital posters, such as StoryMaps, are also welcome.