Don’t Sleep on Google Analytics!

I’ve been diving deep into the realm of Google Analytics, and I’m here to speak on how website owners can use this fantastic tool to improve their space in the digital marketplace.

To give a brief overview, Google Analytics is a tool to gain insight on how consumers interact with your web page. Reflection is a key component to success, hence why it is crucial to analyze usage patterns to make the necessary changes that will optimize your website’s performance. There are a multitude of metrics to use on this platform, one example is the “New or Unique Visitor Conversion” metric. This portrays how new visitors interact with your web page when they first visit. If this metric is low, you may need to take action to make your web page more user-friendly. Rather than managing your website blindly, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of these metrics and make your efforts more efficient!

Want to become a Google Analytics superstar? There are two courses available to help you succeed. The Google Analytics for Beginners course will give you an overview of the interface, the basic reports you can create, and also campaign and advertising tracking. Another option is the Advanced Google Analytics course, which provides in depth lessons on data collection and processing, advanced analysis tools and techniques, and advanced marketing tools.

See what you can discover with your website’s data and play around with the Google Merchandise Store Demo Account! I filtered the data to “Made a Purchase” and “Organic Traffic” and found that 70.6% of New Visitors made a purchase while 29.4% of Returning Visitors made a purchase. In addition, 82.2% of Organic Traffic came from New Visitors, while 18.8% came from Returning Visitors. I found it surprising that New Visitors held the majority for both of these categories. I’ll take that as a reminder to use data rather than my internal bias!

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