Alcohol in Poetry

To find a poem about Alcohol is as easy as searching “Alcohol Poems” on google. When I did this, tons of different forums come up that were filled with poems about drinking. Many of these poems showed the dark sides of alcohol but I could find just as many that glorified it as an essential part of having a good time and being happy. One of these poems was titled “Lady Godiva” and it was written by someone that goes by the name “Manure Gurl”. In the poem the author names many different mixed drinks, their favorites I presume. The author also tells hard to follow events, possibly faint memories after a blackout. The authors wild experiences like having sex in strange places is enough to make any curious teen or bored anyone eager to replicate this alcohol induced night. This poem and the many other like it are a great way of spreading the use of alcohol for the benefit of alcohol companies,