TRANSFIGURATION: Appropriation and Originality

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Announcing the B_Gallery’s newest show, “TRANSFIGURATION.” This is a three-way collaboration between Art 335, Art 305, and Museum Studies minor candidates in Art 400 who worked to design the show layout, installation, and promotion. The show runs from May 16th till the 26th!

“In a collaboration between the Winter 2022 screen printing (ART 355) course and the experimental drawing (ART 305) course at Western Washington University, students worked together to create a mixed-media project. The students were put in pairs and challenged to incorporate both originality and appropriation in their projects while examining what these concepts mean to them. Students worked together to transfigure images borrowed from each other, and combine them into an elevated piece. These students have created surreal compositions, where both artists shine through even as their work melds into one.” 

Make sure to stop by the gallery and check it out! Hours are Monday through Friday, 9 AM through 6 PM!

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