Climbing the Mountain

Last weekend I climbed Mount Hood in Oregon and was really stoked on having my camera with me. Unfortunately, I realized once I got up that I had forgotten my memory card. Classic! That being said, I snapped some photos of my phone and realized that photographing the experience does not have to make the experience. It’s just a nice add on. I got the summit and a beautiful ski down and could not be more stoked on climbing the tallest mountain in Oregon on a beautiful day with a great friend.

Standing on the Summit of Mount Hood, Oregon.
Standing on the Summit of Mount Hood, Oregon.
Looking at the summit of Mount Hood, Oregon from the top of the Palmer Snowfield.
Looking at the summit of Mount Hood, Oregon from the top of the Palmer Snowfield.
Devils Kitchen. Mount Hood, Oregon
Devils Kitchen. Mount Hood, Oregon
Looking down through the Pearly Gates.
Looking down through the Pearly Gates.
Ice formation on Mount Hood, Oregon.
Ice formation on Mount Hood, Oregon.

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