Sports Feature

Overall, I was pretty happy with how this assignment went. The pictures are good, my only qualm is that both were from the same day and setting so there was very little diversity. I did try to find another sporting event to cover, but there were simply none around campus in the timeframe for the assignment. In the photo illustration, I do not pretend that it’s more than elementary but it’s not bad for my first attempt at using photoshop for something like that. Like all previous assignments, this one was a great learning experience and sports features are something I badly want to get into in the near future.

Alex DeRocco, center, John Manziel and Wyatt Carstens walk up Galbraith Mountain on a warm spring day on Saturday, May 14, 2016.

clem-sportsfeature-02 Alex DeRocco, 23, puts his knee pads on before riding down SST trail on Galbraith Mountain in Bellingham, Washington, on Saturday, May 14, 2016.clem-sportsfeature-01 A photo illustration showing the problem of prescription and illegal drugs in classrooms around the country.drugs illustration

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