Behavioral Neuroscience (BNS) is more than an academic major at Western, it is a family of dedicated faculty, staff, and students who collaborate in behavioral neuroscience research and outreach. BNS majors are actively involved in original research with faculty and staff, frequently coauthoring national and international conference presentations and journal articles. This program provides students with the specialized preparation, research opportunities and technological sophistication critical for success in entry-level research and healthcare positions and postgraduate training in neuroscience, medicine, dentistry and related disciplines.
These opportunities are greatly bolstered by our generous donors.
Donations to the Behavioral Neuroscience Program provide funding for our undergraduate neuroscience students in the form of academic scholarships, research fellowships, and support to attend scientific meetings. These donations are immensely appreciated by all who participate in the BNS Program, and we are very grateful for any and all support friends and alumni can offer.
Thank you On behalf of all BNS students, staff, and faculty!