Spring 2024

Hired new BNS faculty Dr. Evan Ardiel
Neural and behavioral maturation in C. elegans
Winter 2024

Hired new BNS faculty Dr. Feng Cao
Neurobiology of learning and memory in mice
Summer 2023

Dr. Jeff Carroll Moved to UW
Summer 2023

Dr. Mike Mana Retired
Dr. Mike Mana was a cofounder of the Behavioral Neuroscience Program. His contributions to the program will always be valued and remembered.
Summer 2022

Dr. Janet Finlay Retired
Dr. Janet Finlay was a cofounder and first director of the Behavioral Neuroscience Program. Dr. Finlay’s contributions to the program will always be valued and remembered. She will be greatly missed, and we wish her all the best during her retirement.
Fall 2021

New BNS Stats and Research Methods courses: BNS 301 Statistics for Neuroscience and BNS 302 Exp Methods & Neuro Comm
BNS students would greatly benefit from stats and methods courses tailored to the tools, issues and data in their specific field. Stats courses are also a place where we might introduce coding, a skill our current and former students are asking for.
Fall 2021

Dr. Jeff Grimm Program Director
Fall 2021-current
Fall 2018

New BNS subject lab courses: BNS 328
Tech in Behavioral Neuroscience and BNS 428 Adv Tech in Behavioral Neuroscience
Given the content and expected background knowledge, It makes sense to move those courses under the BNS course rubric.
Fall 2018

Hired new BNS faculty Dr. Josh Kaplan
Electrophysiologist who uses an animal model of development.
Fall 2018

Dr. McNeel Jantzen moved to the new Linguistics Department
Fall 2018

Developed new BNS courses: BNS 305 Cell & Molec Neuroscience, BNS 306 Systems Neuroscience, BNS 401 Adv Behavioral Neuroscience Seminar
Develop a core set of BNS content courses (BNS 305/306/401) that leveraged the expertise of BNS faculty and the strong science background of the BNS majors.
Fall 2017

Increased major size to 60 from 40
Fall 2017

Dr. Kelly Jantzen Program Director
Fall 2017 -Spring 2021
Fall 2015

Converted major to Bachelor of Science degree from previously a Bachelor of Arts degree
Fall 2013

Hired new BNS faculty Dr. Jeff Carroll
Spring 2012

Dr. Merle Primm Retired
Fall 2008

Hired new BNS faculty Dr. Jackie Rose
Fall 2008

BRAIN decision package to fund BNS faculty in the Psychology Dept.
Over 1 million dollars in funding was granted by WA state to both Psychology and Biology Departments to fund faculty, staff, and research labs in Behavioral Neuroscience. Dr. Janet Finlay becomes first program director and served in the position for almost 10 years during Fall 2008-Spring 2017.
Fall 2005