Research Introduction


          Everyone’s heard of it or even has experienced it, so lets talk about it. Religion being on a college campus has always been an interesting topic and we wanted to go more in-depth with finding out what’s going on and what the exact patterns were. Pitching the question: How does college and peers influence a student’s involvement in their religious group/practice?

          We began to approach this topic by conducting surveys and interviews targeting students on campus involved in various religious groups. Overall, we aimed to gather data from surveys but also personal accounts from interviews with more in-depth explanations to our questions to further our research. We believe we will see a prominent relationship between the influence of school on a person’s faith.

           Throughout this website, you will be able to find nine tabs at the top of this page that allows you to see our various pages that show our steps, methods, data, analysis, and conclusion. There are also some extra sources like article reviews, videos, and resources. You can get to them easily just by clicking on them. These are all components that allowed this research to occur and are definitely worth the read or view! ​

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