Call to Action

Moving Towards Religious Acceptance

              We understand that religion/beliefs can be a sensitive topic for people to bring up and discuss but this is why we felt it was important to seek what the community is feeling with how Western’s students and staff are affecting each other’s beliefs. This topic, do to its sensitivity, hasn’t been addressed as in-depth as it should be. Many groups are feeling under or misrepresented towards the community at Western. This is a problem that we’re taking steps towards by conducting our research. Through interviewing various students from different belief backgrounds and our survey seen by over 45 people, we noticed that college itself has a large impact on the beliefs people have but not all of it are positive effects. With our research, we saw that more than half of the students surveyed have felt uncomfortable with how people propose their ideas towards others.

              With that said, about half of the students have made a definite change to their beliefs since coming to college as well. The vast majority of students have claimed that Western displays minimal effort in being inclusive of student’s beliefs and this had encouraged students to be less expressive of their beliefs. The community at Western need to see these statistics as a wake-up call for what’s really going on and how it’s affecting people socially.

              We believe that the community should understand the importance of students having the freedom to express themselves freely with minimal dispute. It should encourage students and staff to listen to another member of Western with an idea to seek to understand rather than just seeking to be understood. This would increase the acceptance of others with conflicting views. I believe with these findings the religious/belief groups on campus should take strides towards unifying with each other and show by example the effort of building understanding towards each other as this would increase the acceptance percentage across campus and also increase the number of students who feel comfortable about sharing their faith.

              No one should be forceful of their ideas or say that their views are more valid than another. For those claims come from basis viewpoints and bring no inclusiveness of acceptance of others. We as a community need to put in the effort of reaching to the students of Western with a unified approach in an inclusive design that allows everyone to share information and become more informed with views that people are passionate about.