3 May 2017


  • Workshop on Friday
  • Free Comic Book Day on Saturday (arrive early for the best stuff!)
  • Humans v Zombies begins tomorrow

Extended Rhetorical Analysis: Material and Bitch Planet


Part A: Solo freewrite

  • Did you like Material, and why?


Part B: Focused Group Analysis

Message (Group 4)

  • What message is at the heart of this story? Are there messages to this work that extend outside the story itself?

Audience (Group 3)

  • Who are the assumed audiences for this work? What does the work assume the audience knows, feels, cares about? Are there audiences potentially excluded or ignored?

Medium (Group 2)

  • What are the communicative tools employed in this project? Try to name and prioritize the layers of communication

Genre (Group 5)

  • What are the conventions for storytelling used in this project? Where does it break with conventions?

Purpose (Group 1)

  • Does this project show evidence of a purpose (or purposes)?

Part C: Comparison with Bitch Planet

  1. In what ways are these comics similar? In what ways different?
  2. Why do you think one (Material) was cancelled, while the other (Bitch Planet) was not?


  • Margaret presented a collage of the comics Chimichanga (which thick lines and overexagurated colors) and a manga called Sugar Sugar Rune. She wants to develop her own comics style somewhere in the middle.
  • Megan presented a story about the new DC comic Scooby Doo Apocalypse. The comic reimagines the original 1969 cast as superpowered crime fighters. It’s part of a push to reboot Hannah Barbara properties.

Next time:

  • Brie
  • Julia
  • Matthew Page
  • Devon