Why Zoom Consults?

While it may seem impersonal in 2024 to meet via Zoom, I view our remote consultations (no pun intended) similar to visiting a Subway restaurant:

  • I share my web browser window while masquerading as your Canvas account.
  • I explain all the mouse clicks and settings changes for your understanding.
  • You sit back and say, “…less onions” or, “…more pickles” for your course specifications, questions, and issues you may have.
  • If you choose to have our consult recorded, I’ll send you a link to the video for future reference.

I’m more than happy to have you share your web browser during our consult if you would like to click and type through the changes needed for your course issue to be resolved!

I’m also more than happy to meet you in your office on campus when our schedules permit. I am working fully-remote, so would need a little advance notice so I can shuffle work consults around to drive to campus to meet. I appreciate your understanding with my logistics in meeting face-to-face!