Alex Czopp, PhD
I’ve been an experimental social psychologist at Western since 2008. Prior to that I was an Assistant Professor at the University of Toledo, a graduate student at the University of Kentucky, and an undergraduate at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. I enjoy spending time with family indoors and outdoors, cooking, eating, soccer, and asking people about their favorite Queen song.
Office: 192 Academic Instruction Center (AIC)
Graduate Students
Amanda White
2nd year, Experimental Psychology Masters program
I’m a first-year graduate student in the Experimental Psychology program and this is my first year in the lab. Broadly speaking, I’m interested in promoting inclusion in online spaces (e.g., online video games) with a focus on reducing discrimination due to gender and its various intersections. My favourite Queen song is Bohemian Rhapsody.
Jasmine Welaye
2nd year, Experimental Psychology Masters program
I joined the Prejudice and Discrimination lab five years ago as a sophomore undergraduate student. My current research uses event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to assess whether goals to regulate prejudiced behavior affect implicit perceptual biases within early phases of face processing, especially for other-race faces. In the future, I hope to extend this line of research and examine processes related to social categorization, stereotype activation, and behavioral regulation. My favorite Queen songs are Under Pressure, Radio Ga Ga, and Killer Queen (cause who can choose one).
Ann Denali
1st year, Experimental Psychology Masters program
This is my first year in the Prejudice and Discrimination lab. I am a first-year graduate student in the Experimental Psychology program and am interested in studying the differences in stereotypes about psychotic disorders across cultures and how these stereotypes affect the self-concept of clinical populations. I hope to pursue a clinical PhD program after completing my masters degree. Outside of academics, I love to hike, dance, and read. My favorite Queen song is I Want to Break Free (obviously).
Undergraduate Students
Nicolas Allen
I’m a third-year undergrad student, pursuing a B.S. in psychology and a minor in English. My research interests include perception, loneliness, and prejudice. This will be my second year in the lab; I joined the lab to explore my interests and strengthen my research skills. Upon graduation, I plan on attending grad school in hopes of a career in research related to experimental psychology.
Favorite Queen song: Lily Of The Valley
Caitlin Broadgate-Thomas
This is my second year at Western as an undergraduate psychology student, and my first year in the lab 🙂 After graduation in the summer of 2023, I plan on taking a couple gap years to gain experience working with students before going to grad school for school counseling. My favorite Queen song is Somebody to Love.
Russell Lee
This is my first year in the lab! I am a third-year student pursuing my undergraduate degree in psychology at Western Washington University. Although I am involved in the general field of psychology, I am primarily interested in studying intersectionality within the QPOC community and how it affects ideas of identity and presentation. After graduating, I hope to do in-field clinical work for one-to-two years before continuing my education in graduate school. My favorite Queen song is Don’t Stop Me Now!
Vi Ly
I am a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in both psychology and creative writing. Some topics that interest me in psychology are the model minority myth, positive stereotypes, racial identity affirmation, gender stereotyping, and disinformation. Additionally, I take special interest in Asian American psychology. I have goals to produce research that positively impacts the Asian American community and minority communities in general. In my free time I enjoy cooking, painting, and reading. I love experimental poetry by authors of color as well as fantasy and science fiction. My favorite Queen song is Killer Queen!