Mission Statement
To represent campus-wide constituents and facilitate the use and understanding of Millennium FAST products campus-wide. This includes, but is not limited to, testing and recommending upgrades; training; reviewing and approving user requests for modifications; establishing guidelines; and exploring additional capabilities of the program and other products offered by Millennium.
Please feel free to contact a member if you have questions, concerns or ideas about or for Millennium FAST.
- Wanna VanCuren (FAST-Finance Administrator)
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Business & Financial Systems
- Phone: x2992
- Email: Wanna.Vancurren@wwu.edu
- Austin Cooper
- Division/College: Academic Affairs
- Department: Provost’s Office
- Phone: x3915
- Email: austin.cooper@wwu.edu
- Carrie Thurman (FAST-Budget Administrator)
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Budget Office
- Phone: x3029
- Email: carrie.thurman@wwu.edu
- Debora Short
- Division/College: Enrollment and Student Services
- Department: Vice President Enrollment & Student Services
- Phone: x7626
- Email: debora.short@wwu.edu
- Donna Mason
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Human Resources
- Phone: x7713
- Email: Donna.Mason@wwu.edu
- Heidi Ling
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Business & Financial Systems
- Phone: x4220
- Email: Heidi.Ling@wwu.edu
- Ichi Kwon (Co-Chair)
- Division/College: Academic Affairs
- Department: Provost’s Office
- Phone: x6837
- Email: ichi.kwon@wwu.edu
- Jan Tucker
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Accounting Service
- Phone: x3689
- Email: Jan.Tucker@wwu.edu
- Janet McLeod
- Division/College: Enrollment and Student Services
- Department: Assistant Vice President Enrollment and Student Services
- Phone: x2969
- Email: janet.mcleod@wwu.edu
- Jenny Sidwell
- Division/College: Academic Affairs
- Department: Provost’s Office
- Phone: x3509
- Email: Jenny.Sidwell@wwu.edu
- Kelley Peck
- Division/College: Academic Affairs
- Department: Extended Education
- Phone: x3320
- Email: Kelley.Peck@wwu.edu
- Linda Teater
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Budget Office
- Phone: x4762
- Email: linda.teater@wwu.edu
- Mark Okinaka (Co-Chair)
- Division/College: Academic Affairs
- Department: Provost’s Office
- Phone: x3729
- Email: mark.okinaka@wwu.edu
- Michael Ulrich
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Accounting Services
- Phone: x3675
- Email: michael.ulrich@wwu.edu
- Molly Vogel
- Division/College: Academic Affairs
- Department: Extended Education
- Phone: x6745
- Email: Molly.Vogel@wwu.edu
- Sharon Colman
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Business & Financial Systems
- Phone: x3479
- Email: sharon.colman@wwu.edu
- Teresa Hart
- Division/College: Business and Financial Affairs
- Department: Assistant Vice President Business and Financial Affairs Office
- Phone: x2508
- Email: teresa.hart@wwu.edu
- Thomas Jones
- Division/College: University Advancement
- Department: Western Foundation
- Phone: x3408
- Email: thomas.jones@wwu.edu