Current Jobs

(Jobs Menu)

Description: A list of active employees and their current job or jobs (primary, secondary and overload).


  • Employee ID
  • Job Status
  • Job Type
  • Position
  • Suffix
  • Employee Group
  • Job Class
  • Employee Class
  • Change Reason
  • Job Change Type
  • Division/College
  • Begin Date
  • Home Organization
  • End Date
  • Time Sheet Organization
  • *Effective Date


  • Position
  • Suffix
  • Job Title
  • Job Type
  • Job Status
  • Employee ID
  • Name
  • Last name
  • First Name
  • Preferred First Name
  • Job Class
  • Job Class Description
  • Job Change Type
  • Job Change Type Description
  • Job Change Reason
  • Job Change Reason Description
  • Employee Class
  • Employee Class Description
  • Employee Group Code
  • Employee Group Description
  • Division
  • Division Description
  • Home Organization
  • Home Organization Description
  • Time Sheet Organization
  • Time Sheet Description
  • Effective Date
  • Begin Date
  • End Date
  • Change Date
  • Contract Begin Data
  • Contract End Date
  • Contract No
  • Increment Month
  • Increment Day
  • Time Entry Method
  • *Salary Table
  • Salary Grade
  • Salary Step
  • Factors
  • Pays
  • Job Appointment %
  • Job FTE
  • Hourly Rate
  • Semi-Monthly Salary
  • Annual Salary
  • Last Date Paid
  • Appointment Length
  • Annual Basis
  • Base Units
  • Appointment %
  • Annual FTE
  • Base Salary
  • All Job History
  • Job Pay History
  • Supervisor PIDM
  • *Supervisor ID
  • *Supervisor Name
  • *Supervisor Position
  • *Supervisor Suffix
  • Labor Codes

Filters or Columns identified with an asterisk are restricted data elements.


  • Employee ID links to the Employee Detail report
  • Position links to the All Current Positions Information report

Created by: Millennium, September 2010