Classified/Professional/Executive Personnel Action (PA) Form Instructions

  • Enter today’s date in the MM/DD/YYYY format (e.g. 03/12/2012)
PA Contact
  • Enter name of person who can be contacted with questions regarding this action
    • Typically this is the person who initiates the form
  • Enter the department of the contact person listed above
  • Enter the phone number of the contact person listed above


Employee ID
  • Enter the employee’s Western ID Number (W#)
  • If the employee does not have an ID yes, leave blank and HR will create when employee completes required new hire paperwork
Employee Last Name
  • Enter the employee’s last name using title case (only capitalize the first letter)
  • Standardized formatting helps speed searches using Forms Finder
First Name & MI
  • Enter the employee’s first name and middle initial using title case (e.g. Susan R.)
  • Enter the department having primary administrative responsibility for the employee
  • Select division/college having PRIMARY responsibility for employee
Bldg/Rm# Mail Stop Phone
  • Enter the employee’s primary location (e.g. OM370), mail stop, and Western phone
Include in Campus Directory?
  • Select “YES” if the employee should appear in the campus directory
Organization Codes: Home Dept
  • Enter code for department with primary administrative responsibility for employee
  • This field is commonly used in Banner reports to identify employee’s primary department, and is used to produce employee counts used by President, VPs, Deans, UPB, etc.
  • Appears in Banner screen PEAEMPL (“Home Department”)
  • Appears as “Home Org” on Millennium Fast-HR reports
Organization Codes: Distribution
  • Enter code for check distribution (typically matches the Home Dept code)
  • Appears in Banner screen PEAEMPL (“Check Distribution”)
  • Banner reports PWRNSAL and PWRCDST uses the Distribution code to show departments who was paid during the pay period for non-salaried and salaried positions
  • Appears as “Dist Org” on Millennium Fast-HR reports
Supervisor’s Name
  • Last Name, First Name, MI of employee’s supervisor
  • Entered into Banner and used to track performance appraisal suspenses
Supervisor’s W#
  • Enter the W# of employee’s supervisor
Supervisor Phone
  • Enter the work phone of employee’s supervisor
Personal Phone for New Hires/Rehires Only
  • Enter the home phone or cell phone number of the employee (if available)
  • If this is not a new hire or rehire, please leave this section blank
Personal Email for New Hires/Rehires Only
  • Enter the personal email address of the employee (if available)
  • If this is not a new hire or rehire, please leave this section blank


Job Title
  • Enter the job title for the position
  • Banner is limited to 30-characters, to include spaces.  If the title exceeds 30 characters, note preferred abbreviation in the comments field
  • For Classified Employees, ensure your proposed title matches authorized titles from the Washington DOP website
Create New
  • No position number exists for this job and you would like HR to build one
Job Class
  • Select appropriate classification for employee
Project Employee
  • Select this box if hiring employee as a project employee.  A project employee is eligible for benefits and leave accruals, and has an appointment percentage of 50% or greater and is expected to work 6 months or longer, for a specific and time-limited duration.  Typically project employment is contingent upon state, federal, local, grant or other special funding.
Recruitment/Search (if applicable)
  • Enter recruitment/search number if applicable (e.g. 120235)
Name of Employee Being Replaced (if applicable)
  • If new hire is replacing existing employee, include Last Name, First Name, MI here
Position Number/Suffix
  • Enter position number to include suffix or type “See Below” if this action applies to more than one position number/suffix
  • Work with your budget authority to choose correct position number
  • If you have Banner access, you can determine potential position number by using NBIWBLD and the funding string
  • If no position currently exists, leave blank
Create New Position #
  • Check box if no position number exists for this job and you would like HR to create one
Job Type
  • Check either Permanent or Temporary
Project Employee?
  • Check Yes or No
ACTION: Create
  • Select appropriate action for NEW employee/position
  • New Hire – Never employed by Western (student employment does not count as previous Western employment)
  • New Job – Current active employee moving to a new position
  • Rehire – Not currently active employee, but previously employed by Western
ACTION: Update
  • Select if renewing a currently existing job/position
  • Select appropriate action to update information on a currently active job
  • If PA has multiple actions, use “OTHER” and indicate in the comments
ACTION: Terminate
  • Select appropriate reason for termination of position
  • Select if none of the above apply to this PA, indicate reasons in comments
1st Job Begin/Change Date
  • For new jobs or new hires: Enter the first day the employee will be working in this job
  • For job changes: enter the first day the job change will be in effect
  • Leave this field blank if this PA is to end/terminate the job
1st Job End Date
  • Enter the last date through which the employee is to be paid for this position (i.e. employee will receive pay for the date noted as the job end date)
2nd Job Begin/Change Date
  • If a second action is happening to a position, indicate the start date of the additional change (e.g. funding string will change during employment period, start date of the change can be indicated here)
  • If action applies to a different position than 1st job, indicate dates as appropriate and explain in comments section
2nd Job End Date
  • If a second action is happening to a position, indicate the end date of the additional change (e.g. funding string will change during employment period, start date of the change can be indicated here)
  • If action applies to a different position than 1st job, indicate dates as appropriate and explain in comments section
PEBB Benefits Eligibility Criteria
  • Health/Life/LTD benefits
    • Is expected to work at least 6 consecutive months, and
    • Is expected to work an average of at least 80 hours each month, and
    • Is expected to work at least 8 hours in each month
Reason for Action/Comments
  • Use this section as needed to provide additional information regarding the job or any special conditions or comments that need to be noted
  • REMINDER: The employee will be sent a copy of this PA and it will be included as part of their personnel record
E-sign URL
  • Option: If you would like to include a link to applicable esign form for this action, place URL in this fieldCAUTION: Do not include a link to the Request to Make Offer e-sign form since it includes a copy of the applicant names and disposition record. Employees receive a copy of this PA form and it is not appropriate for them have access to this information.


Enter pay for one of the 4 time periods listed below:
  • Select the appropriate “duration” of the entire salary to be paid
Annually (12 mo)
  • Total salary to pay for the entire duration on line provided for time period indicated
  • Total salary to be paid for month
  • Enter number of months of employment and total salary to be paid for this period (e.g. employee expected to work 2.5 months, total duration salary $10,000)
Appointment Percentage
  • Appointment percentage indicates how many hour employee is scheduled to work each week (e.g. 100% = 40 hrs/week; 50% = 20hrs/week)
Appt Length
  • Enter the number of months expected to work each year (e.g. cyclic employee expected to work for 10-months each year would have an entry of 10 in this field.  If working 12-months each year, enter 12)
Annual FTE
  • # months worked/12 x appt%
Grade/Range (Classified Only)
  • If Classified Employee, indicate salary range.  If Professional Staff, indicate salary grade.  If Executive Officer, leave blank
Step (Classified Only)
  • If Classified Employee, enter step
  • Establishes rate of pay for a Classified Employee within a particular salary range
1.0 FTE Salary (Optional)
  • 1.0 FTE Salary: Enter the full-time equivalent salary.  This would be the salary if this employee worked 100% appointment for 12-months. (e.g. 50% appointment, 12 month employee normal monthly pay $1000.  1.0 FTE Salary would be = $24,000 ($1000×12/50%))
Select Payment Type: Hourly
Hourly Rate
  • Select if employee is to be paid based on hourly rate and enter hourly rate of pay
    • Determined by Range/Step for classified employees
Range (Classified Only)
Step (Classified Only)
Select Payment Type: Non-Uniform
  • Select if payment type is to be Non-Uniform
  • Cannot be used for “overtime eligible” staff
  • Department must go into timesheet and enter total payment/hours worked
  • Be sure to select “Departmental Time Entry” on this PA under “Time Entry Method”
  • Total salary to be paid upon completion of project/event/award/performance
Select Payment Type: One-Time Payment
  • Select if this is a One-Time Payment
  • Do not use for overtime eligible employees
  • One-time payments may be taxed at a different rate and may be treated differently for retirement contribution
  • NOTE: Payment will be paid for pay period in which the end date occurs (e.g. If employee performs work during the period 06/01/12 – 09/15/12, the employee will receive the one-time  payment on 09/25/12)
Hours Worked
  • Indicate total hours worked on project/event
Payment Amount
  • Total salary to be paid upon completion of project/event/award/performance
Payment Type
  • Select appropriate reason for the one-time payment
    • Supplemental: Specific project/event completion
    • Award: Select if one-time payment is for an award received
    • Music: Select if one-time payment is for a musical performance
    • Other: Explain in comments section reason for one-time payment
Time Sheet Organization Code
  • 4 or 5 character code representing organization responsible for time entry (or review of time entry)
  • Organization responsible for monitoring the “job”
  • Groups employees for timesheet approvers for web time entry
  • Defines where time records are distributed
  • Common departmental reports that query on this field: PWRROUT (default approver); PWRTIME (shows who is active in time sheet org & provides detail on job); PWRETIM (provides status of web time entry)
  • Appears in Banner screen NBAJOBS (in Payroll Default tab, field name “Timesheet Organization”
  • Appears as “Time Sheet Org” on Millennium Fast-HR reports
Time Entry Method
  • Indicate how employee will enter time
    • Departmental – department enters time for employee
    • Web – employee completes timesheet through Web4U
Exception Default Approver ID#
  • Enter the W# of the individual responsible for approving this employee’s timesheet
    • Only needed if different than department’s regular approver
    • This individual must have Banner HR access
  • Temporary employees cannot be listed here as they cannot be timesheet approvers
Approver Name
  • Enter the name of the exception to default approver
Approver Position #
  • Enter the position number for the exception to default approver
  • Enter the W# of the individual you want to grant FYI access to view the timesheet.  This person will be able to view this timesheet, but will not approve time
FYI Name
  • Enter the name of person to view timesheets
FYI Position #
  • Enter position number of person to view timesheets


Enter pay for one of the 4 time periods listed below:
  • Select the appropriate “duration” of the entire salary to be paid
Annually (12 mo)
  • Total salary to pay for the entire duration on line provided for time period indicated
  • Total salary to be paid for month
  • Enter number of months of employment and total salary to be paid for this period (e.g. employee expected to work 2.5 months, total duration salary $10,000)
Appointment Percentage
  • Appointment percentage indicates how many hour employee is scheduled to work each week (e.g. 100% = 40 hrs/week; 50% = 20hrs/week)
Appt Length
  • Enter the number of months expected to work each year (e.g. cyclic employee expected to work for 10-months each year would have an entry of 10 in this field.  If working 12-months each year, enter 12)
Annual FTE
  • # months worked/12 x appt%
Grade/Range (Classified Only)
  • If Classified Employee, indicate salary range.  If Professional Staff, indicate salary grade.  If Executive Officer, leave blank
Step (Classified Only)
  • If Classified Employee, enter step
  • Establishes rate of pay for a Classified Employee within a particular salary range
1.0 FTE Salary (Optional)
  • 1.0 FTE Salary: Enter the full-time equivalent salary.  This would be the salary if this employee worked 100% appointment for 12-months. (e.g. 50% appointment, 12 month employee normal monthly pay $1000.  1.0 FTE Salary would be = $24,000 ($1000×12/50%))
Select Payment Type: Hourly
Hourly Rate
  • Select if employee is to be paid based on hourly rate and enter hourly rate of pay
    • Determined by Range/Step for classified employees
Range (Classified Only)
Step (Classified Only)
Select Payment Type: Non-Uniform
  • Select if payment type is to be Non-Uniform
  • Cannot be used for “overtime eligible” staff
  • Department must go into timesheet and enter total payment/hours worked
  • Be sure to select “Departmental Time Entry” on this PA under “Time Entry Method”
  • Total salary to be paid upon completion of project/event/award/performance
Select Payment Type: One-Time Payment
  • Select if this is a One-Time Payment
  • Do not use for overtime eligible employees
  • One-time payments may be taxed at a different rate and may be treated differently for retirement contribution
  • NOTE: Payment will be paid for pay period in which the end date occurs (e.g. If employee performs work during the period 06/01/12 – 09/15/12, the employee will receive the one-time  payment on 09/25/12)
Hours Worked
  • Indicate total hours worked on project/event
Payment Amount
  • Total salary to be paid upon completion of project/event/award/performance
Payment Type
  • Select appropriate reason for the one-time payment
    • Supplemental: Specific project/event completion
    • Award: Select if one-time payment is for an award received
    • Music: Select if one-time payment is for a musical performance
    • Other: Explain in comments section reason for one-time payment
Time Sheet Organization Code
  • 4 or 5 character code representing organization responsible for time entry (or review of time entry)
  • Organization responsible for monitoring the “job”
  • Groups employees for timesheet approvers for web time entry
  • Defines where time records are distributed
  • Common departmental reports that query on this field: PWRROUT (default approver); PWRTIME (shows who is active in time sheet org & provides detail on job); PWRETIM (provides status of web time entry)
  • Appears in Banner screen NBAJOBS (in Payroll Default tab, field name “Timesheet Organization”
  • Appears as “Time Sheet Org” on Millennium Fast-HR reports
Time Entry Method
  • Indicate how employee will enter time
    • Departmental – department enters time for employee
    • Web – employee completes timesheet through Web4U
Exception Default Approver ID#
  • Enter the W# of the individual responsible for approving this employee’s timesheet
    • Only needed if different than department’s regular approver
    • This individual must have Banner HR access
  • Temporary employees cannot be listed here as they cannot be timesheet approvers
Approver Name
  • Enter the name of the exception to default approver
Approver Position #
  • Enter the position number for the exception to default approver
  • Enter the W# of the individual you want to grant FYI access to view the timesheet.  This person will be able to view this timesheet, but will not approve time
FYI Name
  • Enter the name of person to view timesheets
FYI Position #
  • Enter position number of person to view timesheets


Enter pay for one of the 4 time periods listed below:
  • Select the appropriate “duration” of the entire salary to be paid
Annually (12 mo)
  • Total salary to pay for the entire duration on line provided for time period indicated
  • Total salary to be paid for month
  • Enter number of months of employment and total salary to be paid for this period (e.g. employee expected to work 2.5 months, total duration salary $10,000)
Appointment Percentage
  • Appointment percentage indicates how many hour employee is scheduled to work each week (e.g. 100% = 40 hrs/week; 50% = 20hrs/week)
Appt Length
  • Enter the number of months expected to work each year (e.g. cyclic employee expected to work for 10-months each year would have an entry of 10 in this field.  If working 12-months each year, enter 12)
Annual FTE
  • # months worked/12 x appt%
Grade/Range (Classified Only)
  • If Classified Employee, indicate salary range.  If Professional Staff, indicate salary grade.  If Executive Officer, leave blank
Step (Classified Only)
  • If Classified Employee, enter step
  • Establishes rate of pay for a Classified Employee within a particular salary range
1.0 FTE Salary (Optional)
  • 1.0 FTE Salary: Enter the full-time equivalent salary.  This would be the salary if this employee worked 100% appointment for 12-months. (e.g. 50% appointment, 12 month employee normal monthly pay $1000.  1.0 FTE Salary would be = $24,000 ($1000×12/50%))
Select Payment Type: Hourly
Hourly Rate
  • Select if employee is to be paid based on hourly rate and enter hourly rate of pay
    • Determined by Range/Step for classified employees
Range (Classified Only)
Step (Classified Only)
Select Payment Type: Non-Uniform
  • Select if payment type is to be Non-Uniform
  • Cannot be used for “overtime eligible” staff
  • Department must go into timesheet and enter total payment/hours worked
  • Be sure to select “Departmental Time Entry” on this PA under “Time Entry Method”
  • Total salary to be paid upon completion of project/event/award/performance
Select Payment Type: One-Time Payment
  • Select if this is a One-Time Payment
  • Do not use for overtime eligible employees
  • One-time payments may be taxed at a different rate and may be treated differently for retirement contribution
  • NOTE: Payment will be paid for pay period in which the end date occurs (e.g. If employee performs work during the period 06/01/12 – 09/15/12, the employee will receive the one-time  payment on 09/25/12)
Hours Worked
  • Indicate total hours worked on project/event
Payment Amount
  • Total salary to be paid upon completion of project/event/award/performance
Payment Type
  • Select appropriate reason for the one-time payment
    • Supplemental: Specific project/event completion
    • Award: Select if one-time payment is for an award received
    • Music: Select if one-time payment is for a musical performance
    • Other: Explain in comments section reason for one-time payment
Time Sheet Organization Code
  • 4 or 5 character code representing organization responsible for time entry (or review of time entry)
  • Organization responsible for monitoring the “job”
  • Groups employees for timesheet approvers for web time entry
  • Defines where time records are distributed
  • Common departmental reports that query on this field: PWRROUT (default approver); PWRTIME (shows who is active in time sheet org & provides detail on job); PWRETIM (provides status of web time entry)
  • Appears in Banner screen NBAJOBS (in Payroll Default tab, field name “Timesheet Organization”
  • Appears as “Time Sheet Org” on Millennium Fast-HR reports
Time Entry Method
  • Indicate how employee will enter time
    • Departmental – department enters time for employee
    • Web – employee completes timesheet through Web4U
Exception Default Approver ID#
  • Enter the W# of the individual responsible for approving this employee’s timesheet
    • Only needed if different than department’s regular approver
    • This individual must have Banner HR access
  • Temporary employees cannot be listed here as they cannot be timesheet approvers
Approver Name
  • Enter the name of the exception to default approver
Approver Position #
  • Enter the position number for the exception to default approver
  • Enter the W# of the individual you want to grant FYI access to view the timesheet.  This person will be able to view this timesheet, but will not approve time
FYI Name
  • Enter the name of person to view timesheets
FYI Position #
  • Enter position number of person to view timesheets