Add new disability studies coursework to the new and forthcoming DISA courses list Add a New Course to the DISA Course List Add a New Course to the DISA Course List Do you have a class in development, approved, or previously offered that should be added to the DISA Courses Listing? Please use this form. Your name (for website admin use) * email (for website admin use) * This course… * is scheduled to be available in an upcoming quarter is currently or previously being offered is still in development CRN: If this course has a CRN or CRNs, please add them here. Course Title & Number * Number of Credits 543Other Number of Credits Additional course descriptors (e.g. GUR type, WP1, etc) Course Description / Blurb * Please briefly describe your course. You may use the official description from the course catalogue or other blurb. See examples from our new and forthcoming coursework page. Additional course notes or prerequisites Additional course notes, modality, or prerequisites can be included here. Instruction (department and/or faculty) * Who will be teaching this course, and in what department? If more than one individual may be teaching this course, specify department faculty, or list multiple names. Course Availability ex: offered Fall 2022; Spring 2023; AY 2023-24, or expected availability for the course. Contact (optional) You may provide your email, personal page, department, etc. for people to contact to learn more. Attachment (optional) Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.22MB If you have a syllabus, course description, etc. that you would like to share, you may upload it here. This upload field accepts word documents and pdf up to 25 MB Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ