This page was originally created in Fall 2022 to introduce our new Minor in Critical Disability Studies to the Disability Studies and Action Collaborative and newly-formed Institute for Critical Disability Studies community. People interested in learning more about the program could read or watch the video and provide feedback to the co-directors in advance of the Minor going live.
The long-awaited Minor was approved soon thereafter, and the codes to declare were activated in April 2023, so we were finally set to formally open the program for the Fall 2023 academic year. We found that many students were quite excited to be able to declare the Minor, so much so that we actually had four students declare the minor early, in Spring and Summer 2023. By the end of Fall 2024, 25 students had declared, from First-year to Senior.
The following contents for the page are an archived description of the Minor as we were planning it in 2022. Our program has expanded significantly since then. If you’d like to read our most up-to-date description and information on the minor, please visit our current Minors page here.
Introducing the Minor in Critical Disability Studies (introductory video as it was in development)
The Institute for Critical Disability Studies proposed a new minor to launch in Fall 2023. We created this video so that you could learn more about it before it was launched.
After visitors finished the video, they were invited to give ICDS feedback using the form at the bottom of the page.
Download the PowerPoint slides of this presentation, which includes the script, through this link.
If you want to find out more about the minor or the Institute for Critical Disability Studies, contact