Diversity Through the Lens of Existing Students of Color

A large group of students from the ethnic student union holding up a sign for the ethnic student center in a field.
Ethnic Student Union Celebrates Ethnic Student Center

After conducting a series of interviews with a focus on diversity with students of color at the school it further solidified the results the research had yielded. The interviews made it clear that the censuses from the students was that there is a notable absence in diversity at the school. When asked if the students were surprised at this lack of diversity one student answered, “no but once I saw it in person it did feel a lot whiter than I expected.” Especially in classes it was described as being a notable absence of students of colors in most classes. On person spoke about how statistically Fairhaven has greater diversity yet there is still not a visible difference from main campus at all. That Student, Vivian Branock made a very interesting observation stating, “maybe the focus of Fairhaven classes a whole statistically interest people of color more than that of the main campus”. It definitely expanded on how many different factors go into there being diversity or therefore a lack of. Throughout the interview this was further talked about in the sense that though there are things that are within the universities control and they should act on, there are also factors that are not within their control.

A cover for an ethnic student center newsletter , it contains 8 images of students from the union celebrating something.
An Ethnic Student Center Newsletter Cover


The interviews gave a great insight into what being a student of color on campus is really like.  The people being interviewed expressed that though the community is striving towards greater diversity there is more that can still be done. Several of the students spoke about the ways the school was attempting to get better in its diversity and how it is making somewhat of an effort to create communities through the clubs. In one interview Ebany, SHADO a student council leader stated, “the ethnic student center will definitely help, and it will give us our own space”.  This center is one of the ways the school is attempting to bridge this gap, hopefully it will reinforce the communities within the school. The student clubs also are essential part of the already existing ethnic groups at this school. The clubs were described as having an almost balancing effect on the students who participated, and they provided a place full of people that they could identify with. One student even said that due to their deep involvement in the clubs she almost forgot the lack in diversity at times. This does not mean that it’s not there, but it does show the impact something like the ethnic student clubs have on the people of color in the community. Beyond the benefits it would have on the ethnic student body taking steps like having an ethnic student center could make it a more knowledgeable campus altogether.

A logo with QPOC written in orange over a brown background. In orange it also reads , "queer people of color".
Queer People of Color Logo
An image of 2 black hands holding, with black student union written in black
Black Student Union Logo
It depicts a red rose with the words "Latinx Student Union" over it.
Latinx Student Union Logo
It depicts a red and black Native American image with NASU written at the bottom. This stands for Native American Student Union.
Native American Student Union Logo








A majority of the people touched on that though Western lacks in diversity, it is still a liberal and actually a very accepting place to live. A common theme that popped up throughout the interview process was that the voices of the students of color needed to be heard more especially when talking about things like diversity on campus. This resonated because the only way to know if progress is being made is through the voices of the students that make up our diversity.  It seems like Western as a campus does have the values needed for a diverse campus, but it just needs to listen to the voices of the existent Students of color on campus and continue making efforts as a community.