Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Making change one Student Project at a time!


Videos and Presentations

Women in the Workplace: Egypt vs U.S.

A cross-cultural analysis focused on women’s role in the workplace in Egypt compared to the United States.

Gender Equality in the Workplace: Iceland

This presentation is an analysis of gender equality in the workplace in Iceland in comparison to America.  

The Impact of Gender for Migrant Workers: Nepal VS USA

This cross-cultural comparative presentation examines the impacts of gender for migrant workers in Nepal and the USA. mgmt481presentation.pptx

Women’s Early Education Opportunities & Expectations in Rural India vs the United States

Comparison of the different opportunities and expectations that women face in rural India vs in the US today.

This is America: Racial inequity & #BLM 2020

This presentation on social justice and racial equity was put together during the 2020 Minnesota Riots.

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