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Tag Estonia

10 things I learned while being in Estonia

Hello everyone! So to keep things short and simple, I have compiled a list of 10 things that I have learned while being in Estonia! Dill here, dill there, dill everywhere! Estonians love to put dill in every dish! Estonians are really… Continue Reading →

Interning, Learning, and Growing

Tere, tervist! Thanks for coming by and checking out week #3. This last week has been a hectic one with lots of events, pictures and new beginnings. I finally started my internship at EducationUSA and have been working about 30-40… Continue Reading →

First week completed!

Hey everyone of the internet! It has been a little over a week since I have been in Tallinn, Estonia. The week has been packed with adventures, meeting new people, and trying many different (and new) ways to live. I… Continue Reading →

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