Malea Linder- Anticipation

‘Anticipation- Soundscape from a night of packing and too much to do. ‘

I have been feeling very overwhelmed and anxious this week, with so much to do and so little time. I have been feeling my preparations and packing has been taking me in circles rather than to an end point. For this soundscape I recorded bits of everything I did after class on Monday the 14th. Starting with dinner at El Suenito, then moving through packing, the zippers of suitcases, the percussion of pills in bottles, and the sound of empty watercolor pans, the brushes being packed inside a metal tin, and ending with some half frozen Tres Leches. I layered the sounds I collected as a way to express the overload of tasks and the the feeling of spinning but going nowhere, I still kept them in a chronological order. The beginning and the end are echoed to also portray the sort of dissociative state I’ve been in just thinking and worrying.

2 thoughts on “Malea Linder- Anticipation

  1. I think you captured the anxiety we’ve all been feeling really well, and I liked the effects you added to portray the dissociation at the beginning and end. It was perfectly uncomfortable to listen to, and mirrored how I also feel scrambling around trying to get ready. Your watercolor pallette is also very pretty and impressive!

  2. I think the dynamics are good. It starts overwhelming us with sounds, and echos of sounds, then the repeated zippers and pills, the sounds get gradually smaller and more high pitched then ending with more of an ambience. Well done. Good sound quality.

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