Coming Home

Dear me,

Oh! Come in, come in. You must be soaked to the bone. Can I offer you anything? Water? Tea? Coffee? Some tea then. Come, sit by the fire. Let me take your mind off the storm.

You seem to be in a very bittersweet state of remembering. I’m afraid that’s always the case after a life-changing trip like the one you’ve just experienced. Typically, your memories are like slippery little butterflies, flitting around sporadically in your head. When one finally comes to rest, you can feel its whispery feet and ticklish wings electrifying your brain. Indulge in these memories. Stop and sip on the sweet nectar of these feelings of newness and exploration and wonder and friendship and discovery and humanity and… well you get my point. Don’t be scared. These memories will never leave you. Years and years down the line you will think of friends gathered around the table, soup filling their bowl, or a rolling countryside that filled your heart so full of awe it almost burst like a balloon, or the thrum of a beat weaving its way into the joints of you and the people you learned to cherish wholeheartedly, or the gaze of a marble giant sweeping past you and the faces that have looked upon it century after century after century. Your world has flipped upside down and has split into two and you must reconcile with the you you were and the you you are, but put together you are all the more powerful. And! You mustn’t forget about the bonds you forged with the people that shared your journey. No matter the space that comes between you, you are all linked like the trees of a forest with the tangled web of memories that you share. Time will not dull this overwhelming feeling of love. Instead it will be a soft light inside you, a place of comfort to sit in, where you can watch the butterflies dance and frolic and revel to the all encompassing feeling of joy.

Oh, would you listen to that. Looks like that storm has let up at last. On your way love, you’ve got the rest of your life ahead of you.



Found Sounds include thundering storm, knock at door, preparation of tea, crackling fire, wind blowing through trees, the flap of butterfly wings, and a chiming melody.

2 thoughts on “Coming Home

  1. This was the perfect landing spot after all of the strangeness I’ve been feeling, thank you for making something hopeful and comforting and recounting our trip like a fairytale adventure. The sound was lovely too, butterfly wings and crackling fire are the perfect blend.

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