Settling In

I wanted to showcase how I was settling in socially. I feel more comfortable socially than physically or mentally at the moment. Florence will always overwhelm me, but these connections are an anchor point. They can make me feel at home- secure. In the back, I’ve decided to add an overlay of birdsong. I have found the birds in Italy captivating. I present a parallel—a metaphor for finding my flock. It’s admirable how some birds bond and help one another. The longer I stay here the more I think about human connection and how happy I am to have met all of you.


Audio description-

In the back faint birdsong plays. The main focus is the candid conversation between myself (Charlie), Dylan, K, and Natasha.


Below is an excerpt.


“I didn’t know how to say it.

Have you only read it?


Why did you- What have you memorized my last name?

Cuz I remember my friend’s last names.




“Charlie Crack- there you go.


That was a hit!

Don’t talk to Charlie Coke!!

[unyealding laughter]

Charlie Coke and Dylan worst-

[more giggles]

That’s a segment in Full Body Cast”

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