It’s the End of the World! Let’s Paint a Picture.

Though not technically writing, pictures allows an artist to express themselves in the same way a book would allow an author to, not to mention, many artists write a short explanation to their pieces. If you search “Dystopian Images” on google, you will find a wide variety of pictures. Some of the pictures are unsettling, looking earily familiar. Dystopian worlds reflected into art can be just as impactful dystopian worlds depicted in words. The artist is able to convey a message without having to write it down, and this genre can often reach more people then written genres (though there is often an author’s note to help convey meaning), these people might just catch a glimpse of the image while scrolling though social media, they may be searching for this type of image, or they may see these picture in art galleries.

Their Refinement of the Decline by Michael Kerbow

Untitled by Zdzisław Beksiński
