Debating the End of the World

Dystopian analysis is one of the more important, though less fun, aspects of dystopian literature. Authors write long analysis pieces about other dystopian literature, or about why dystopian literature is important and/or impactful. This genre is, obviously, quite different than other dystopian genres. Those who write these pieces have different goals than those who write about dystopias creatively, and it effects people who are more academically focused than many of the other genres do. I found that the academic analysis of dystopian literature was interesting, and I especially found it interesting when an article would take a dystopian book written decades ago and would compare it to our society today, it was almost surprising how close to home many novels hit, and I never would have realized it without reading these academic articles.

While I would never have gone out on my own to read anything from this genre, I found all of the articles that I read, while looking for one I wanted to analyse, interesting. Below is a link to the academic article: On Utopias and Dystopias: Toward and Understanding of the Discourse Surrounding the Internet by Dana R. Fisher and Larry Michael Wright

I read the first part of this book, and I found it really interesting. It explore the internet’s relation to dystopian ideas. This text analyzes the “lag” in society caused by internet conversations and relates it to dystopian and utopian themes or prediction for the future. In the case of this text, it did not just analyze other dystopian works, but also applied dystopian ideas to their research and used it to tie dystopian themes from decades ago to themes that actually occur in our society today. I was pleasantly suprised by this genre. I dragged my feet in reading anything academically related to dystopias, but not only did I find this article educational, but I also found it entertaining.