Peaches of Data

The data gathering method for this project consisted of a survey and observations. The survey included questions such as the following:Smiling peach waving

Do you ever eat and read?

Do you think eating helps your reading comprehension?

Do you think eating limits your reading comprehension?

We chose to do a survey because we thought it would be a good way to get responses from a large amount of people. Also, it seemed a good way to get data on a wide range of ages. We posted the survey online to get results.

We also conducted observations. These took place in the dining halls to see how many people were eating and reading some sort of media, and how many were only eating. The locations were Viking Commons, Fairhaven Commons, and Ridgeway Commons. The hope was to get a clear trend of data from the survey results. The observations would then hopefully support the results.

Take the survey yourself here: Eating While Reading Survey

Tables next to a giant window in Viking Commons dining hall. The window looks out onto the water.
Tables and a view from Viking Commons, one of the dining halls at WWU. Observations were conducted here.