In the 2021-2022 academic year, Ning Yu published a book-length memoir《吾爱吾师》(I Love Truth More) with Chinese People’s Literature Press, the premier literary press in China. He also published three peer-reviewed articles as part of his ongoing work in ecocritical studies. “Six Areas Where Modern Ecocritical Theory can be Applied to Tang Poetry” appeared in Studies in Classic Chinese Literary Theories, the top journal in the field. “Du Fu’s Poems about Co-existing with Wild Tigers in the Three Gorges Area,” appeared in Du Fu Studies (《杜甫研究学刊》). Du Fu is celebrated as the Poet Saint in China, and this journal is likewise among the best in the field of Tang poetry studies. Finally,《虎年译<虎>》(“A New Translation of Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ at the Beginning of the Year of Tiger”) appeared in Asia Interdisciplinary Translation Studies.

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