Jaima Lindell loved attending Western, and when she had the opportunity to move back to Bellingham last April she was thrilled to be part of the community again. A few years after graduating, she traveled to New Zealand where she worked and lived on the Working Holiday Visa and met her husband. They moved to Australia on the same visa for a year before coming back to the states. Not long after that, she fell into a career in project management, obtaining her certification in November 2020, and she now works for a digital marketing company in Bellingham. She has not strayed too far from her degree, however. For the past ten-plus years, she has been writing a fantasy novel. It is now in the editing phase and she hopes to release it later this year through Earth and Fire Publishing, an up-and-coming Seattle-based indie publisher. Jaima maintains an active blog that includes more details about her novel in progress.

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