Professor Felicia Cosey.
Please join the WWU English community in welcoming Professor Felicia Cosey and getting to know her through this series of icebreaker questions.
Where did you live/work before coming to Western?
I lived in Jackson, MS and taught at Jackson State University, home of the Sonic Boom of the South, for seven years. Before that, I lived in Texas and Kentucky. I grew up, however, in the Midwest.
What is your area of specialty?
My area of specialty is film and media studies, with an emphasis on representations of subjects at the margins. I really love delving into the cultural aspects of film and media because it provides a reflection, at times distorted, of societies.
What do you like so far about being at Western?
I love my students. I’m also very appreciative of my colleagues who have been so welcoming.
What stirs joy within you outside of your work?
I’m an animal lover. I love sitting outside watching and listening to wildlife. When I’m wrapped up in my own issues, it’s nice to go outside and just reset. For example, one day, when I was in Mississippi, I was frustrated with my writer’s block, so I when across the street to the city park. A Ruby-throated Hummingbird was flitting around a flower near me. And it dawned on me that this tiny animal had traveled several hundreds of miles across the Gulf of Mexico, and he wasn’t complaining about life—just refueling so he could continue his journey north.
What is your secret “superpower”? Tell us something that others may not know about you.
If I root for you to win, you WILL lose.