Eren Odabasi has recently published two peer-reviewed book chapters; a study on various audience groups in film festivals included in International Film Festivals (edited by Tricia Jenkins, I.B. Tauris) and an analysis of the commercial success popular Hindi films enjoy at the American box office featured in Pop Culture Matters (edited by Martin Norden and Robert Weir, Cambridge Scholars Publishing). He also has two forthcoming peer-reviewed articles in the journals Post Script and Society and Leisure, exploring the cinematic portrayals of the Jewish community in Buenos Aires and film funds associated with major festivals. In relation to teaching, he has designed new courses on contemporary world cinema with an emphasis on diversifying the canon beyond Western European films (ENG 365), the textual and organizational aspects of international film festivals (ENG 464), and screen portrayals of immigration through different periods in film history (ENG 580).

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