Jane Wong

A new poem by Professor Jane Wong “This is What Survival Looks Like” appeared in The Yale Review: https://yalereview.yale.edu/what-survival-looks

Jane’s second book of poems, How to Not Be Afraid of Everything, is out this October, 2021 from Alice James. Here is a link to the Publishers Weekly review:

Her poem “I Put On a Fur Coat” was chosen and read by musician Audrey Nuna for The New York Times: 
In 2022, Jane and Diana Khoi Nguyen will collaborate on a poetry installation at Harvard University, as the recipients of the 2021-2022 Woodberry Poetry Room Fellowship:

Justin Lewis

Justin Lewis’ co-edited volume, Literacy and Pedagogy in an Age of Misinformation and Disinformation was recently published as part of the Working and Writing for Change series at Parlor. The volume is open-access and may be found at https://parlorpress.com/collections/working-and-writing-for-change/products/literacy-and-pedagogy-in-an-age-of-misinformation-and-disinformation 

Justin is currently an Editorial Fellow for the CCCC Series in Writing and Rhetoric of NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English https://cccc.ncte.org/cccc/swr). He is also working to build a partnership between SWR and other academic presses to create an open-access option for publishing monographs in Writing/Rhetoric. He notes that his background as a co-editor for an open-access journal (http://licsjournal.org) and his own research and scholarship in digital intellectual property have prepared him for this role. Justin can be reached at lewisj42@wwu.edu