Joanna Roiggordon (MFA, 2017) will be attending Indiana University, Bloomington’s Rhetoric & Composition PhD program in the fall of 2021.
(MFA, 2018): Rebecca Beardsall
Rebecca Beardsall’s (MFA, 2018) memoir My Place in the Spiral, a book started in Brenda Miller’s class, launched in January 2021. Visit the website at
(BA, 2017): Riley Jessett
As of this last year, Riley Jesset (BA, 2017) is the director of the primary science lab at Carson Academy of Science, a public school in Milwaukee, WI. In this unique program, scholars as young as three years old and as old as ten spend two hours a week doing hands-on, culturally relevant science work. They completed their Master’s in Urban Early Childhood Education at Cardinal Stritch University in 2019.
(BA, 2008): Brittany Rogers (Young)
After 8 years working at in the Books category, Brittany Rogers (Young) (BA, 2008) joined Microsoft at the end of 2020 as a Senior Program Manager for Microsoft Office.
(BA, 2019): McKenzie Grenz
McKenzie Grenz (BA, 2019) started a new job at People For People, a non-profit that provides transportation to senior and disabled people, Meals On Wheels in Yakima County, employment and training programs, and 2-1-1 information and referrals.
(BA, 2020): Harper Villani
Harper Villani (BA, 2020) is attending Vermont College of Fine Arts to get her MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults.
(BA, 1991): Kory Floyd
Kory Floyd (BA, 1991) has been elected a Fellow of the International Communication Association, one of the two principal academic associations for the discipline of communication. Floyd is currently a professor of communication and psychology at the University of Arizona.