Professor D’Angelo Bridges
Please join the WWU English community in welcoming D’Angelo Bridges and getting to know him through this series of icebreaker questions.
Where did you live/work before coming to Western?
I lived in State College, Pennsylvania at Penn State University before coming to Western Washington University. I was a high school English teacher in California before moving to Pennsylvania.
What is your area of specialty?
My specialties include African American rhetoric, Christian rhetoric, and African American literature.
What do you like so far about being at Western?
I really love the spirit of Western students, my amazing colleagues, and the campus. Western students are hardworking, earnest people who, for the most part, enjoy the challenges of higher education. I admire their collective tenacity. In addition to the students, Western faculty are equal parts inspiring and encouraging. I could not have possibly asked for a better bunch of colleagues and friends with which to work. Finally, Western’s campus is so beautiful. I have often looked at the majestic forest near campus and marveled at the wild life that crawls and prances out it. (I’m not at all creeped out by its vastness or its darkness.)
What stirs joy within you outside of your work?
Travel has stirred so much joy in me. Because I am so eager to see the world, traveling has been an absolute “joy divine,” to quote Milton Biggham, to do. I am no ways tired of it.
What is your secret “superpower”? Tell us something that others may not know about you.
I don’t know that I have a superpower, but if I had to guess, I’d say that I have a knack for remembering obscure information that most people don’t care to know.