Justin Lewis

Justin Lewis’ co-edited volume, Literacy and Pedagogy in an Age of Misinformation and Disinformation was recently published as part of the Working and Writing for Change series at Parlor. The volume is open-access and may be found at https://parlorpress.com/collections/working-and-writing-for-change/products/literacy-and-pedagogy-in-an-age-of-misinformation-and-disinformation 

Justin is currently an Editorial Fellow for the CCCC Series in Writing and Rhetoric of NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English https://cccc.ncte.org/cccc/swr). He is also working to build a partnership between SWR and other academic presses to create an open-access option for publishing monographs in Writing/Rhetoric. He notes that his background as a co-editor for an open-access journal (http://licsjournal.org) and his own research and scholarship in digital intellectual property have prepared him for this role. Justin can be reached at lewisj42@wwu.edu

Ning Yu

Ning Yu’s  book on a critical genre which criticizes poems in the form of poetry was published 09/2020 by Beijing Normal University Press.  It is a critical evaluation of a modern poet’s poems written to criticizes 25 poets in Chinese literary history, somewhat like a combination of Alexader Pope’s “Essay On Criticism” and Samuel Johnson’s “Lives of the English Poets.”  It is a commissioned book. The title, roughly translated, is Interpretation and Remembrance: An Analysis of Professor Chigong’s 25 Critical Poems

(BA, 2019): Peter Hedlund

In the past couple years Peter Hedlund (BA, 2019) has moved to Seattle, where he got his first 1-bedroom apartment and got a good job as an accountant. He also joined the Democratic Socialists of America and marched in the Black Lives Matter protests. He has enjoyed going on many hikes. He casually dated an incredible woman for three weeks that had a big impact on him. Unfortunately, he was fired from his job as an accountant after 15 months but got a new job at a grocery co/op last week. He read The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, started therapy, adopted a cat named Quill, drank coffee, got hit by tear gas, bought In a Silent Way by Miles Davis on wax, and played chess with his dad a lot. He has gotten vaccinated and decided he would like to be an educator. He is looking forward to the rest of his twenties.