Matthew Campell Roberts (BA, 2006) has published his first collection of poetry, A River Once More, through MoonPass Press. He currently teaches at Everett Community College.
Matthew Campell Roberts (BA, 2006) has published his first collection of poetry, A River Once More, through MoonPass Press. He currently teaches at Everett Community College.
Kathryn Merwin (MFA, 2018) has her first collection, womanskin, forthcoming from Cutbank Books.
Allison Giffen recently co-edited the collection Saving the World: Girlhood and Evangelicalism in Nineteenth-Century Literature. This year she is on professional leave researching her new book on childhood and disability in nineteenth-century US popular literature. She is also collaborating on a digital humanities project in Critical Childhood Studies, that includes a website titled the Critical Childhood Studies Forum, funded through the Hatter award. In addition, she is developing a new upper-level seminar titled “Critical Childhood Studies” which will offer interrogations into representations of childhood in literature, the history and construction of childhood, and children as agents of cultural production. She received a summer grant from the Social Justice and Equity Committee to develop new curriculum in disability studies and is working on a new upper-level seminar in the English department, titled “Disability and Literature.”